Granitos Irmãos Peixoto | About Us
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About Us

Granitos Irmãos Peixoto

The Granitos Irmãos Peixoto was founded in January 1997, and since then we are specialized in the extraction, transformation and commercialization of ornamental stones and granite products.

Headquartered in Favões, in the city of Marco Canaveses, the company born from a strong knowledge and experience in the business.

Our quarry is located in Aguiar da Beira, in the district of Guarda, which we extract the gray granite and yellow Lapa, taking into account and respecting all European standards. We are equipped with the most modern and sophisticated machinery at the level of extraction and transformation of granite, ensuring products and high quality services. In full growth, our company provides its products in Portugal and around the world, particularly in Europe. Respect for delivery times and customer satisfaction are our top priorities.

Our quarry

Among the quarry where it is the extraction of granite and the factory where is transformed, are approximately 40 people, divided by different sectors, who every day ensure the excellent quality of our services. Among the range of different materials with which we are used to work, stands out the Yellow Lapa; Gray Lapa and Macheado that are extracted in our quarry Aguiar da Beira. Rosa Porriño; Yellow Mondim; Gray Montemuro; Vila Real; Penafiel and Black Favaco are other types of material with which we provide our services.
From the high quality raw material, it is possible for us to carry out a countless and varied type of products, such as cubes; Cantarias; Tiles; Walls; Kerbs; pillars; ramps; among others.

Innovation and Technology

All our machinery is equipped with the latest technology wich gives more durability, since they are in constant updates, and more sustainable because, for example, machines do reuse the water itself thus having a longer life cycle and enhance the development of numerous services. With the qualified workforce and technology to follow the same course, we can offer our customers a wider range of services and meet their needs.